Partonomy list P2F, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

olfactory organ

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Top level nervous system
Current level olfactory organ Short
Subsidiary language with Latin English French Spanish Russian
Non Latin primary language English French Spanish Russian
Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
77659 6877 6877
olfactory organ
organum olfactorium ; organum olfactus
9313 9313
olfactory mucosal membrane
tunica mucosa olfactoria
9314 9314
olfactory epithelium
epithelium olfactorium
26757 9315
olfactory stem cells
cellulae staminales olfactoriae
26759 9316
olfactory sensory neurons; olfactory neurosensory epitheliocytes
epitheliocyti neurosensorii olfactorii
9316 9316
# olfactory sensory neuron; olfactory neurosensory epitheliocyte
# epitheliocytus neurosensorius olfactorius
9317 9317
9318 9318
dendritic bulb
bulbus dendriticus
9319 9319
9320 9320
olfactory axon ; olfactory nerve fibre ▲
axon olfactorius
26761 9321
supporting epithelial cells; supporting epitheliocytes
epitheliocyti sustenantes
26763 9322
basal epithelial cells; basal epitheliocytes
epitheliocyti basales
26765 9323
olfactory glia
glia olfactoria
6371 6371
olfactory fila
fila olfactoria
75801 6879 6879
olfactory glands
glandulae olfactoriae
15 lines
89.3 %
100.0 %
5 partial items
10 entities
Scientific notes
Type of list P2F
List Unit Identifier 6877
Subtotals subchildren 0 subunits 0
Proper children 9
Number of children 9 (validated)
Proper units 10
Number of units 10 (validated)
Signature 4292 (validated since 3.4.2018)
Date: 10.09.2021